Sometimes children continue to need services after their third birthday as they transition from home-based services to school-based services
As your child transitions from a toddler into a child, you will be asked if you would like to investigate options for preschool age children. This process typically happens as the child approaches their third birthday. At the IFSP meeting closest to the child’s third birthday, the family and the Early Intervention Service Coordinator will begin the transition process.
At this meeting, the child’s progress and needs will be discussed as well as the possible need for further services and supports from the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities, program options, and a discussion of which individuals will help in the transitions process. If a child will continue to benefit from County Board services, they are sometimes offered the option to be assigned an SSA (Service & Support Administrator). An SSA can help the family navigate school services and other resources available to them. Learn More about SSA's here. |
What to expect with early childhood services
The Early Childhood program aims to provide a continuation of Early Intervention services to eligible children and their families, through continued home visits with a Developmental Specialist.
As your family transitions to a new routine with your child entering school, you and your Developmental Specialist will develop goals for your child and family to work towards at home. Early Childhood will run very similar to how Early Intervention did. In this program, however, your Developmental Specialist will offer your family a monthly visit in your child’s natural environment. Your Developmental Specialist will be available via phone or email as well. You may also choose to have your Developmental Specialist become a part of your child’s IEP team at school.
Therapists will be available for remote consultations through conversations with your Developmental Specialist. They will no longer be available to utilize in your home.
As your family transitions to a new routine with your child entering school, you and your Developmental Specialist will develop goals for your child and family to work towards at home. Early Childhood will run very similar to how Early Intervention did. In this program, however, your Developmental Specialist will offer your family a monthly visit in your child’s natural environment. Your Developmental Specialist will be available via phone or email as well. You may also choose to have your Developmental Specialist become a part of your child’s IEP team at school.
Therapists will be available for remote consultations through conversations with your Developmental Specialist. They will no longer be available to utilize in your home.
If you’re concerned and feel your child isn’t hitting their milestones, we can help.
For more information about Early Childhood options, contact us at (937) 653-5217.
For more information about Early Childhood options, contact us at (937) 653-5217.